Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday held a web-based interplay session with India’s Tokyo-bound athletes. He spoke with a number of the athletes in depth, giving them encouragement and asking them about their tales. Whereas chatting with badminton star PV Sindhu, the Prime Minister recalled an interview during which her coach Pullella Gopichand mentioned he had confiscated her telephone and barred her from having ice-cream through the 2016 Rio Olympics, the place she received the Silver medal. PM Modi jokingly requested her if she is now allowed to eat ice-cream once more.
Sindhu mentioned that with the Olympics approaching, she has to regulate her eating regimen so she would not get to eat a whole lot of ice-cream.
As PM Modi wished her luck for the Olympics, he advised her that he hoped for her to repeat her success in Tokyo 2020.
“Work exhausting and I’ve religion that you’ll once more achieve success this time,” PM Modi mentioned as he concluded his discuss together with her.
“And after you success, after I meet all of you, I am going to even have ice-cream with you,” the Prime Minister mentioned with a smile, drawing laughs from Sindhu and her mother and father, who had been additionally a part of the decision.
PM Modi additionally spoke to the likes of archer Deepika Kumari, boxer MC Mary Kom and javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra.
PM Modi advised the athletes that they’re a “reflection of recent India” and that they need to not fear about strain and simply play with all their coronary heart after they go to Tokyo.
“It was an honour and an absolute pleasure chatting with our PM Narendra Modi with the remainder of the Indian contingent. I wish to thank him and the whole nation for the continual assist and we hope to make you proud on the Olympics,” PV Sindhu later advised news company ANI.
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